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Contact Details:
Location: Sun Graphics
Silvan Melbourne, Australia
Contact Number: 0423849116
Step Three
Step one
Get as many images together of what it is you want. It can be inspiration from anything, but the more examples the better.
Step Two
Provide as much information about the bike including photos. i.e. a year model, frame type, size and lots of photos of it.
Step five
Once signed off, frames and parts can be shipped to my address in Silvan, Melbourne or drop off by appointment only.
Step Six
Once the job is complete I will contact you to either collect the bike or have a courier arranged to collect it. Then build it back up!
Step four
From here we can back and fourth over email or better yet the phone.
Expectations on how to send bike?
I am great at painting, but let's leave the mechanical side to the mechanics. I expect all bikes to be stripped down of parts and accesories so I can focus on the paint work.
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